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Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist

These Certified Aging-in-Place Specialists (CAPS) have successfully completed the National Home Builders Association designation program that teaches the technical, business management, and customer service skills essential to competing in the fastest-growing segment of the residential remodeling industry: home modifications for the aging-in-place client,
Bruce Upchurch
Bruce Upchurch Homes , Owner/Principal/Partner
John Catmur
Catmur Development Company, President
Patrick Mahoney
Remodeling Consultants Inc., President/CEO
Leslie Shankman-Cohn
Jill Hertz Interior Design, President/CEO
Rick Eavenson
Custom Services, Exec. V.P.
Dave Moore
Dave Moore Companies, Owner/Principal/Partner
Jill Hertz
Jill Hertz Interior Design
Eric Catmur
Catmur Development Company - Eric Catmur, (none)
Debbie Cargile
Custom Services, Accounts Payable
John Catmur
Catmur Development Company, President/CEO
Ginny Modlin
Dave Moore Companies - Ginny Modlin, (none)

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